Bernie Moreno Launches "Unprecedented" Ohio TV Ad Campaign With Commercial Called "Gas"

Cleveland-area businessman and U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno announced Wednesday that his campaign will spend a staggering $4 million on a TV ad buy between now and January 15. The Moreno campaign contends that this is the "largest, most concentrated ad campaign ever implemented at this point in an Ohio primary."


The ad above is simply titled "Gas," and looks to be the first in a series that Ohio voters should get accustomed to seeing on a regular basis. This one features Moreno railing against the policies of Jimmy Carter, policies he says deferred the American Dream for his own family and policies which have now been taken up by President Joe Biden and his followers.

"My parents came here for the American dream. A dream briefly crushed by Jimmy Carter," Moreno says. "Failed policies causing massive inflation. Now Joe Biden and the Socialists are re-running the same playbook. They're spending trillions of dollars on his voters. Money for illegals, tax cuts for New York liberals, and it’s leading to crippling inflation. They’re getting richer. You’re getting poorer. I’ll stop Biden before he destroys America."

Moreno doesn't reference gas prices directly, but images of gas stations are the commercial's visual backdrop.

Not that polls are gospel or anything, but it's clear Moreno is for the moment a far cry from relevance in the 2022 Republican primary. The lavish spending may help him improve his name recognition statewide, but he has enormous ground to cover if he intends to join the handful of candidates clustered behind front-runner Josh Mandel. Most polls have Jane Timken, J.D. Vance and Mike Gibbons all far below Mandel and far ahead of Moreno.

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Sam Allard

Sam Allard is the Senior Writer at Scene, in which capacity he covers politics and power and writes about movies when time permits. He's a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and the NEOMFA at Cleveland State. Prior to joining Scene, he was encamped in Sarajevo, Bosnia, on an...
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